Data Analytics
The Centre uses data to drive its support to Guyanese firms and develop its programmes. In 2017, the Centre conducted an initial Industrial Baseline Survey that shaped its support to Guyanese businesses that focused on the formalization of systems. The rapidly changing O&G landscape led the Centre to conduct a follow-up study in 2019 with results released over the last few months.
The Economic Baseline study encompassed a macroeconomic overview, a cost of living analysis and firm level competitiveness measure. The study includes over 1,000 surveys conducted with local businesses. The results of the study show the shift underway in the economy through increased competitiveness of firms. The Guyanese firms were able to capture business in the oil and gas sector through investments in upskilling workforce while also investing in new technology and equipment.
A scant 2 years since financial investment decision, Guyanese businesses had won work offshore and are supporting the Liza Destiny. The study also highlighted key areas that the Centre can focus to support long-term growth of businesses in the operations and maintenance functions.