SRP Continues to Expand
Since its inception, the Centre has supported local businesses through its Supplier Registration Portal (SRP), the premier spot for oil and gas suppliers and related businesses seeking to contract, partner, and purchase goods and services from Guyanese businesses.
Over the last 6 months, Centre staff have undertaken outreach and data refresh, launched a new SRP mobile app and launched a virtual seminar on how to register your business in the SRP.
A major undertaking this year has been a review of supplier data in the portal to ensure profiles are up to date and complete. There are over 4,000 business profiles in the SRP, of which more than 2,500 are Guyanese businesses. To facilitate the “data cleaning” in the portal, Centre staff have reached out to more than 1650 businesses that had incomplete SRP profiles.
The team alerted these businesses that their profiles were incomplete and followed up to confirm the validity of data. A third of businesses have responded to the data clean-up campaign. The Centre asks businesses on the SRP to please update their information in the portal.